martedì 29 novembre 2011

One shot> After us

One shot> After us

December 2011
Robert Downey Junior pov

I would not waste time and words, Jude, now you're here.
I've waited so long, I admit, but then not being able to say anything.
Just look at you now.
You are beautiful.
I think the last train, in these days, viverti either party.
He's gone, as you did, without rancor, you whispered, but I did not know to do is die.
I can still hear your footsteps in the hallway of the hotel away American babe, I hate the United States, mocking laugh, as we walked around in a beat-up convertible and incognito.
When the salesman persuaded us that we were not saying a truth, that there was evidence in all its bitterness, a few months after that moment of joy.
An adventure without a meaning, like everything, when we are together.
You make me feel unique, Jude, you make me feel wonderful, every time you take me with you and raise this soul, which no longer needs to eat or drink, or just enjoy.
I love Jude.
If this was enough to revise dawn, after us, I repeat it endlessly, but I know it will not.
In that week, hundreds of miles, your smiles, the silence in which I repeat what you had linked to me, love ...
A flight of gulls marked the horizon, so close your eyes, and light shade.
I wonder if now will you love someone, a new boyfriend or one of your wonderful women.
I'm stupid, yes, but all I do is think of you, even when they are among the others and I speak, they speak, but what they say ...?

Trembling compose your number, just to listen to your voice, knowing that I did not answer.
Did you delete a message, a game in which both said was not at home, even if in reality we never had.
It was your apartment, full of our melodramas, which often ended in laughter, including pillows and blankets, victims of our daring stunts.
Were you able to seduce me even in the midst of a dinner, while a director or a script we exposed my wife listed events and interviews.
The formality has never been our strong Jude.
The wind, so that he was perfect, as we ran to the south.
I can hardly stay awake, and scroll through the pictures, taken with a Polaroid and transferred to slides, which does not use any more.
Progress is not for me, although many believe the opposite.

I wanted to have you back with me.
I wanted to convince you of something that even I am sure, given the situation.
You got it after five minutes, reassuring me that you would not have messed with before you tonight, you know what I care?
"I do not care, fuck Jude!"
"Rob's work has saved you, admit it. And then to disappoint too many people. "- Say quietly, light a cigarette, offered me and I do trembling a step back.
You are cold, it is normal, after what I did.
It 'really that bad?
Deceive the love of others, I would say criminal.
"So show off a beautiful smile, we will make jokes, Jude ... huh?" - Stammered confused.
He shrugged his shoulders.
"A great ... you can wear a mask Rob."
Terribly true.
Not even a kiss, a hug, when you came into my hotel room.
No smile.
"Judsie ..."
"God, do not call me that." - Then puffs as annoyed and bored, but as we can?
"Jude ..." - and I recover the minimum distance, but it's you, now, to move toward the window.
Deviates the curtain, look in the parking lot.
"Ben came, I gotta go. See you later Rob. "
"Well? ... You take him to bed, is not it? "
Your eyes tear me.
You grab her by the arms, I'm out of me - "Tell me!"
My screams did not touch at all seraphic your silence.
Disappear, slipping away, you vanish, to the elevator, while the phone rings, you answer, without betraying any disappointment - "Well I'm coming ... Yes, I'm done here."

The carpet has a flavor sterile.
The beating of my heart claim space in the chest, where you fall asleep, after having a whispered "I love you", full of hopes, I understood later Jude.

Susan runs to the room, take my dress, shakes me, begs me.
"We must go!" - Can not repeat more.
"I can not ... I'm sorry."
"Are you crazy Downey!?"
"Do not fret ... you will do harm to the child ..."
"But imagine, I'm fine!"
I know, dear, you're a rock, no scratches on your future.
You had everything, leaving me with nothing.
They are strict, selfish, old Robert, who shattered the expectations of others, anyone getting tired.
This has fallen to around Jude and was the worst.
Line up, those who believed in me, and remained empty-handed: I care less than nothing.
I have never felt this way, if not for Jude.
The evening will be a failure, that she says Guy, who is coming like a rocket, but will not do.
I want Jude, I want it back, beat-up on our convertible, to the south ...
I shut myself in the bathroom.
Here it is, the melodrama.
This time more real, this time I'm not playing, the hysterical first lady in the apartment I left London Jude, who teased me and then he touched me ... I miss you my angel ...
What flavor will the tiles on the floor?
The blood will run into the joints, flushed?
They are pathetic, perhaps this cutter is not so sharp as it sounds, I want to find out immediately.
Giggled stupidly just imagining the titles of the next day: § Unexplained gesture of the actor Robert Downey Junior, at the height of success, and soon father. §
I tremble.
"It will be a girl so much you wanted ... Rob ..." - the words of Jude, who parried the blow, which metabolise it, feeling broken, when I revealed it to him.
"I wanted it with you ..." - I replied, with a dull despair.
I had made, to cheer or not to collapse.
"I go out and get some 'air Rob ... I ... I do ..."
I was by him, in England: Jude not returned home, going with Ben at the airport, for an unknown destination.
I deserved it.

Rest immersed in those memories, without realizing that they are knocking like madmen and threaten to break the door.
I laugh.
And then I cry: it is her voice.
"Rob, you open God's sake ..."
I know his palms caress the thin barrier between us: we will support my family, at the same height, I know it well.
Following my forehead and there's his.
"Yes ... I'm opening ..."
I appear distorted and Jude is petrified, Guy in trouble with terror, like his three assistants, Susan sat in tears.
"I'm sorry ..." - Jude and wrap, even if his arms are lovely buildings along its body, but not for long.
"Can you think of my wife ...? Exit all, thank you. "
And 'I want to be with Jude.
I want Jude.
Stop it to tell lies, because I've just done.



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